Tapatoru Ako Professional Practice: Empowering Tertiary Education with Ako Aotearoa’s Innovative Programme

The Tapatoru Programme, influenced by Ako Aotearoa, is revolutionizing tertiary education in New Zealand. 2023 witnessed significant advancements in the programme, blending core values like relationships, respect, spirituality, and empathy into teaching methods. The programme now provides free, quality resources on Pathways Awarua and is continually expanding to cover diverse learning needs, including technology-enhanced learning and ESOL foundations. The Tapatoru Programme is molding a competent, future-ready teaching workforce in New Zealand.

Reimagining Teacher Education with AI and Ed-Tech Solutions: Tackling the Complex Challenges of a Wicked Problem with GPT and Other Tools

Discover how AI and ed-tech solutions can address complex challenges in teacher education. Learn how leveraging tools like GPT and other AI techniques can reimagine teaching and learning to tackle education’s wicked problem. Explore bespoke LLMs, AR simulations, and blockchain credentials to enhance New Zealand’s tertiary education sector.

AI and GPT in Education: Unlocking Learning Success

GPT in Education – Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making waves in various industries, and the field of education is no exception. The language processing capabilities of GPT-3, one of the most advanced AI models to date, are particularly intriguing for educators. In this blog post, I explore the possibilities of GPT-3 in education, from personalized learning to automated grading, and discuss how it can transform the way we teach and learn