Original Smith Bros Dirty Martini (Instrumental Remix) – New Release from THISISGRAEME Music

Original Smith Bros Dirty Martini (Instrumental Remix)

I’m excited to share with you a remix of one of my creations from a while back, Original Smith Bros Dirty Martini (Instrumental Remix)! It’s an instrumental drum and bass track that I’ve poured my heart and soul into, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.

If you have enjoyed my music and would like to show your support, there are several ways you can help me gain more exposure and reach a wider audience.

If you love Original Smith Bros Dirty Martini (Instrumental Remix) or THISISGRAEME Music

  1. FOLLOW my artist profile on Spotify: By following me on Spotify, you’ll stay updated on my latest releases, playlists, and musical endeavours. Your support on this platform is invaluable in boosting my visibility.
  2. SUBSCRIBE on Youtube: Join my YouTube channel to access exclusive content, music videos, live performances, and behind-the-scenes footage. Subscribing helps me expand my reach on this influential platform.
  3. SHARE the track on your social media channels: Spread the word about my music by sharing your favorite track from the album on your social media platforms. Your shares and recommendations go a long way in introducing my music to new listeners.
  4. ADD the track to your playlists on Spotify or YouTube: Curate your own playlists and include my songs as part of your music collection. Adding my tracks to your playlists increases their discoverability and introduces my music to a wider audience.
  5. STREAM the track on your favourite platform: Listen to my album on your preferred streaming platform, whether it’s Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, or any other platform of your choice. Every stream counts and contributes to the growth of my music.

Listen to Original Smith Bros Dirty Martini (Instrumental Remix)

On Spotify below or here on YouTube

Dive into the 4-minute and 2-second sonic journey of ‘Original Smith Bros Dirty Martini (Instrumental Remix)’. Set in the cheerful and vibrant key of F major, this ambient masterpiece vibrates with a brisk 169 BPM tempo. It’s brimming with dynamic energy and vivacity, offering a novel twist on the original piece.

In this instrumental rendition, a complex symphony of sounds comes to life. The bass guitar, percussion, synth, and piano meld together, creating a multi-layered soundscape. Without vocals, each instrument narrates its own part of the story, adding depth and texture to the mix. This version of the track introduces a fresh layer to the original, showcasing its flexible nature and the transformative magic of instrumental music.

The track strikes a perfect balance, maintaining a consistent emotional tone while playing with subtle dynamics. It blends moderate energy with a steady dynamic flow, crafting an absorbing auditory experience. This remix is a homage to the craft of musical reimagining, artfully integrating the core of the original track with innovative instrumental elements to forge something truly distinct and captivating.

For those who have enjoyed the vocal richness of the original track, it’s still available here on Youtube as well.

I’m also working on a concept album that follows my interpretation of the Hero’s Journey. The Hero’s Journey is a classic storytelling framework that has been used for centuries, and I’ve always found it to be a powerful metaphor for personal growth and transformation.

You can listen to the current work-in-progress playlist which will turn into the album soon:

Each track on the album will explore a different aspect of the journey, from the call to adventure to the ultimate transformation and return. If you missed it, your introduction to the Hero’s Journey is here.

But don’t forget to check out my other music. You can follow me on Spotify and Instagram, and subscribe to my YouTube channel for updates on new releases.

Thanks for listening and supporting independent music!

Discover new music

If you like this track you might also like these ones also by THISISGRAEME Music:

  • Free Air (Sill Free Remix) on Spotify below or here on YouTube.
  • Men of Thunder and the Shining Sun (Underworld) on Spotify or here on YouTube

20 Albums in 20 Years

I’m just getting started, but I would be grateful for your support on this project. My goal is to release 20 albums of original music in the next 20 years or so.

It’s a lofty goal, but I’m excited to embark on this journey and see where it takes me. Each album will be a reflection of my personal growth and experiences as an artist at the time it gets released. I hope that my music will resonate with listeners and inspire them in their own journeys.

Album 4/20 – The Mixer is the Elixir

On Spotify or here on YouTube

Album 3/20 – Experiments Including Friends

On Spotify or here on YouTube

Album 2/20 – Elevator Music for the 0.01%

On Spotify or here on YouTube

Album 1/20 – Before the Comet (BTC)

On Spotify or here on YouTube

In addition to the music, I’m also excited to share my creative process and insights into my craft. As a teacher, I believe in the power of education and sharing knowledge, and I hope to provide valuable resources and tips over the process.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing more of my music and insights with you in the future. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming releases and more exciting projects.


If you enjoyed any of this, then please head over to my music page and check out the rest of my tunes including links to other music platforms.


THISISGRAEME is the stage name of Graeme Smith, a musician and maker of cool things from New Zealand. His music is a blend of downtempo vintage-sounding synthesizers, world music influences, ambient melodies, rock and roll energy, and of course, drum and bass beats.

Inspired by his interpretation of the Hero’s Journey, he’s currently working on releasing 20 albums of original music over the next 20 years. Despite streaming audio being a terrible deal for independent artists, he continues to share his work with people all around the world, and is always grateful for any support he receives

Author: Graeme Smith

THIS IS GRAEME I write and teach about practical education, professional growth and cultural insights. I also make music. Available for inspiration, innovation, creation and education consulting and advisory work in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally.

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