Strategies: How do you write a numeracy strategy?

Strategies (9)

If you know what you’re going to write for your numeracy strategy, feel free to skip ahead to the assessment template and get started. If you want to walk through the process again for numeracy, please read on.

As with your literacy strategy, there should be three parts. The process is the same as before. The content is now focused on broad numeracy skills.

1. Identify the numeracy skill area that you want to concentrate on

Again, make it both broad and practical. We’ll zoom in on the specifics in the next module. For now, we suggest that you use the strands of the Learning Progressions for Adult Numeracy that you already identified as important in the last assessment. E.g.

  • Teach my learners to use number to solve problems.

2. Say what the numeracy focus is going to be within the skill area.

Now you are starting to narrow things down. Include one or two specific numeracy skills or progressions that you want to develop or practice.

Use the progressions that you identified as important from the last assessment. Choose at least one that you know is critical. Add this to your statement. E.g.

  • Teach my learners to use number to solve problems with a focus on how to use additive strategies.

As before, you may want to focus on more than one progression. It often makes sense to combine two related numeracy skills or progressions at the same time. Add both to your statement if it makes sense to work with two. E.g.

  • Teach my learners to use number to solve problems with a focus on how to use additive strategies and number facts knowledge.

Here’s another example with a combined focus on two skills.

  • Teach my learners to measure and interpret shape and space with a focus on how to use units, tools, estimates, and formulas to measure objects and place value knowledge.

3. Say what your broad teaching context is

Your broader teaching context should be the same as what you wrote for your literacy strategy. For example, a formal qualification or informal programme. Here’s the whole strategy. E.g.

  • Teach my learners to use number to solve problems with a focus on additive strategies and number facts knowledge in the context of short course on warehousing.

Here’s another:

Teach my learners to measure and interpret shape and space with a focus on how to use units, tools, estimates, and formulas to measure objects and place value knowledge in the context of the New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture.

Up next: How to write your own strategy for number and measurement

Author: Graeme Smith

THIS IS GRAEME I write and teach about practical education, professional growth and cultural insights. I also make music. Available for inspiration, innovation, creation and education consulting and advisory work in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally.

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