How Do I Improve my Writing Online? Use Grammarly

Awhile ago, I wrote about how I was using Hemingway App to improve the quality of my writing.

I don’t use it for everything, but still like to use it when I need to sit down and write something that is clear and concise.

Recently, I signed up for another product. It’s similar but different… Here’s the lowdown.

Use Grammarly

One of my problems is that I now write much more in online environments of every kind. And not much in Microsoft Word. Which I now hate with a passion.

For example, on any work day I might be writing in any of these online spaces:

  • Google Docs
  • Gmail
  • Basecamp
  • Evernote
  • WordPress

I switched to Google Docs a few years back, but I’ve always missed the spelling and grammar check that was built into Word. Google Docs is too lean for those kinds of frills

Google Docs is too lean for those frills. So that’s why Hemingway was a great discovery. However, you have to write and compose in Hemingway. This is fine when I want to do that.

But I don’t always want to and it’s not always practical. That’s where Grammarly comes in.


Grammarly is a Chrome extension that sits in my browser and acts as my spell checker and grammar checker for all of my online writing. It’s running as I write this post for example. And when I’m writing feedback for my students in Basecamp.

Grammarly helped me fix about five basic errors in this post.

Just a warning: it’s free, but they want you to sign up to the premium product. I currently only use the free version.

Every now and then they send me a very cool infographic. I’ve pasted it in below.

In any case, it’s free and adds value to my work by picking up mistakes and typos. I don’t think I need the premium product and if you find yourself missing a spell checker and online grammar helper you should check it out.

Screenshot 2016-02-04 16.59.25

Check it out…!

Author: Graeme Smith

THIS IS GRAEME I write and teach about practical education, professional growth and cultural insights. I also make music. Available for inspiration, innovation, creation and education consulting and advisory work in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally.

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