How do I get started measuring learner literacy and numeracy progress for Assessment 6 for the NCALNE (Voc)?


Actually, if you’re at this stage you’ve really done most of the “heavy lifting” that I’ve referred to elsewhere in terms of producing evidence for this qualification. This particular assessment task is about figuring out whether you’ve seen any progress in terms of your learners literacy and numeracy skills, or at least the narrow selection of skills that you’ve been targeting through your project work in the timeframe that you’ve had.

One of the things you need to produce is some kind of evidence that you’re measuring learner progress, e.g. some kind of formative or summative assessment data for the learners that you’ve been tracking.

This is so, when you write all of this up, you can compare their before and after scores. The easiest way to deal with this is to re-administer the contextualised LN assessments that you used as part of the diagnostic process. There may not be enough time elapsed to make it worth re-doing the TEC assessments, although this could be a requirement for some of you anyway.

Here’s some things that you can watch, listen to, and read if you need a hand getting started on this assessment.

  1. As always, if you haven’t already, all of our course content is available for free in interactive modules on the Pathways Awarua lplatform. You can find the instructions on how to register here if you haven’t already. We have a unique ALEC join code so email us for it if you need it (
  2. Don’t forget to check what’s already in your ALEC Study Guide and Assessment Guide for this part of the course.
  3. We’ve also got a great one-page handout that summarises the connections between assessments 4, 5, 6 – email us for a copy if you haven’t got it already.
  4. If you need a refresh on what’s required, I’ve got a short audio-only podcast of me talking through the assessment requirements here.
  5. There are video clips on progress assessment Assessment 6 of the NCALNE (Voc) that you can watch on our Youtube channel.
  6. If you’re working on this through the Pathways Awarua MOOC, your employer will need to have paid your course fee in order to unlock assessment modules 3 – 6.
  7. And if you’re a paid up student and you’re not completing this through the Pathways Awarua MOOC, you can email us ( for the latest version of the template for assessment Task 6.
  8. Otherwise, give us a call to discuss (0800-ALEC-1-2) or email us anyway ( and we’ll be in touch to help explain or clarify.

Don’t forget, as well, that everything that we covered in Assessment 4 on diagnostic assessment can apply here. It’s just that you’re looking back at what your learners have done, rather than looking forward at what you need to work on with them.

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