My Luggage Fetish Part 5 – Saddleback Leather Bags


As far as addictions go, this one ain’t so bad. Plus I don’t have the money to indulge.

It all started with Laptop and Gadget Bags. From there I moved on to Duffel Bags and Backpacks and other new bags from some of my favourite makers.

Lately, though I’ve become fascinated by hand stitched leather goods like journal covers.

It turns out that there are some pretty cool leather bags around including full on suitcases. They are not cheap, though.

Here’s a sample from one of my favourite sites for wasting time: Saddleback Leather. Their byline is “They’ll fight over it when you’re dead”.

Comes with a 100-year warranty. This stuff wears in, not out.

Leather Briefcases Like This One

Amazing Leather Backpacks Like This

Incredible Duffels Like This One

All this hand stitched goodness makes me want to buy some tools and see if I can make some of this gear myself.

Probably, I need to start with something simple, though. Like being able to sew in a straight line.

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