What’s going to replace the NCALNE? And do you want to help me design the new NZCALNE?

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We have some flexibility around how we structure the new version of the NCALNE (Voc) qualification.

The new qualification, which will replace the old NCALNE over the next few years, is called the New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy & Numeracy Education (Vocational) – or NZCALNE (Voc) for short.

The new unit standards for the new NZCALNE aren’t on the framework yet, even though the qualification is.

I’ve been thinking about what I’d like to change in terms of how we’ve been delivering the course. Above is what I’m pondering at the moment.

Please vote if you want to be part of the process for influencing the design. And add comments as well if you have anything else to say about it.

Author: Graeme Smith

THIS IS GRAEME I write and teach about practical education, professional growth and cultural insights. I also make music. Available for inspiration, innovation, creation and education consulting and advisory work in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally.

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